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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

What a busy week!

We started the week with our first Muddy Monday. The weather was kind to us and we had great fun. We did mud painting, making leaf fairies and finding different colours in the woodland area.


We have also been looking at the festival of Diwali, the Hindu festival of light. We have made rangoli patterns and diva lamps, as well as learning the story of Rama and Sita.

We finished the week thinking about Remembrance Day and making poppies. The whole school came together for a minutes' silence at 11, then we all laid our poppies in the centre of the hall.

In phonics we have learnt 4 more sounds, x,w,v and y. These sounds are quite difficult to write and say, and any extra practise at home would be amazing.

The class have been challenged to put on their coat and do it up unaided. Lots of us can now manage this but please can you encourage us to pull out our sleeves and put on our coats with only verbal prompts.