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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

The chairs quit!

This week we finished looking at winter. We are still enjoying watching the penguins at the zoo, and find it relaxes us at the end of the day.

On Thursday we came in to find all the chairs in our classroom had gone. They had left us a note saying they were cross with us for not tucking them in or treating them properly. We had to write letters to them saying sorry for our behaviour and promising to be better. Luckily they had returned on Friday and we were careful to treat them well!

This week we have been thinking about 1 more in maths. We practised using the sentence - "One more than ... is ..." and also showing this using our fingers for numbers up to 10.

In phonics we learnt the last 2 sounds which were air and ear. We are now practising reading them in words. Attached is sheet showing all the sounds and the pictures we use with them.