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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God


This week in Cherry Class we have been learning about penguins.  

We have been reading a range of stories including the theme of winter and penguins, including "Lost and Found" and "The Emperor's Egg". 

We have been learning facts about penguins. Cherry Class particularly enjoyed finding that penguins waddle and that they are born with very fluffy feathers which fall out when their adult feathers grow. We have written facts about penguins and we have created some amazing penguin art work. 

The children used role play to act out the story of Lost and Found. They created a boat using the construction toys and replayed the part of the story of the Penguin and the boy going back to the South Pole. 

The children have ordered numbers within 5 and 10 and some children even ordered numbers to 20! 

We went into the woodland area to spot signs of winter time. We found frost on the ground and that the pond was frozen over! 

In phonics, we learnt the sounds 'ear' 'oi' 'ow' 'ur'. And the tricky words 'they, you, by, my'. 

What a fantastic week in Cherry Class! Please don't forget to write in your child's yellow reading record when you have read with them at home. We recommend that children should read 5 minutes, 5 days a week to support their progress in reading.