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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God


This week in Cherry Class we have been learning all about the change of season in winter time. We visited our woodland area last week and took looks of pictures of signs of winter and some children wrote sentences about these pictures we took. 

Cherry Class noticed that there weren't as many birds around. We made bird feeders to help the birds to have some food in the winter. We enjoyed learning about the steps to make a bird feeder and some children drew pictures and wrote steps about how to make a bird feeder. 

In maths, the children have been finding one more than numbers within 10. They have used concrete resources to make numbers and have added one more on to find the answer. 

In phonics, we learnt the sounds 'ear' and 'er'. We read words containing these sounds. We also learnt the tricky words 'pure' and 'sure'. 

We listened to winter music and created our own winter sound scapes, using instruments that we thought sounded most like winter. 

We had another busy week in Cherry Class! We look forward to the last two weeks of the half term!