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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God


In Cherry Class this week we had a very exciting arrival of a space rocket in our role play area. The children have loved acting in role as astronauts, going on space missions and exploring the universe. 

We have been finding out lots of facts about space, including how many planets there are, what some names of planets are and how astronauts float in space. Ask your child if they can tell you some of the facts that we have learnt this week. 

We have enjoyed reading many space themed texts including 'Field trip to the Moon', non-fiction texts about space and our new favourite 'Aliens love underpants!'. The children designed a new pair of pants for the aliens and some children wrote adjectives to describe them. Other children wrote a letter to the aliens about their new pants. We have also written within our environment- including lists of what we would take on a space adventure and labels for a space rocket. 

The children have been learning about counting on and back in Maths. We have been finding one less than numbers within 10. 

In phonics we have reviewed the sounds that we know and have been reading longer words such as laptop and hammer. 

We are very excited for our visitors from the Wonderdome next week.