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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Wonder Dome

We have had a brilliant week in Cherry Class! We have continued our learning about space this week. We have been learning about the different planets, the moon and stars. We have labelled astronauts, written captions about space pictures and have made lists of what astronauts might need in space. 

We were given a huge cardboard box from the junior school. The children designed, painted and created a space rocket. They then used this to role play space adventures. 

In phonics we have been reviewing the sounds we have been taught and we have had an assessment week. 

In Maths we have been finding one less than numbers within 10. 

We had a very exciting visit from the Wonder Dome - the children loved this experience and were in awe of the space images all around them. We learnt all about how astronauts travel to space and what it is like on the moon and Mars. 

We finished our week by learning about lent and pancake day. The children made and tried their own pancakes with different toppings. They talked about what they liked and didn't like. Some children wrote instructions about how to make a pancake and others made faces out of pancake toppings. In the role play area, we made a pancake restaurant. 

I hope everyone has a lovely and relaxing half term and we look forward to welcoming everyone back to school.