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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Chinese New Year

This week in Cherry Class we have been learning all about 'Chinese New Year'. The children have been acting as visitors, chefs and waitors at our Chinese resturant/ take away. They have been learning about Chinese New Year celebrations, including the zodiac animals, Chinese cuisine, lantern craft and red money envelopes. 

We have read a range of stories and non-fiction texts about Chinese New year - including the story of 'The Great Race'. The children have enjoyed writing menus, order forms, lists of the zodiac animals and captions about pictures for the Chinese New Year. 

In maths we have been deepening our knowledge around the place value of numbers 1-10. We have been recognising missing numbers and using our knowledge of one more and one less to help us. We have also learnt the names of common 2D shapes and recognised them in everyday objects. 

The children loved the trip to the woodland this week were we found so much frogspawn! On our visit next week, we will be collecting a small amount of frogspawn to observe in our classroom - afterwards we will be returning it to the pond. 

In phonics, the children have been continuing to revise the sounds they have learnt. Please continue to read with your child reguarly to help support them with their reading development. 

We look forward to another exciting week next week and can't wait to share our learning with you. 

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