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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Frogspawn and Trains

We have had another busy week in Cherry Class. We began our week by visiting the pond to collect frogspawn to keep in our classroom. We have been watching as some have begun to grow into tadpoles and hatch. Some children have been writing words and captions to describe what they can see and what they have found. 

On Wednesday we had our sponsored bounce - this was lots of fun! We also raised money for charity on Thursday for homeless veterans. The children came to school dressed in their PJs which was very cosy! Some children asked if they could come in these every day!

Following some the children's interest around transport and vehicles, we created a class role play area of a train station. The children have been going on train journeys and taking on the role as train driver, ticket officer, traveller and more. We have also been learning about London, the king and have been beginning to name landmarks in London. 

In Maths, we have been learning all about number bonds to and within 10. Why not ask the children what a number bond means. We have been exploring number bonds with the use of concrete resources, including Numicon and multi-link. 

In phonics, we have been reading longer words containing the -er digraph at the end. For example- digger, better and butter. We have been continuing to revise the tricky words - full, sure, pure, are, all. 

We look forward to another exciting week at school next week- Don't forget that World Book Day is on Thursday! We can't wait to see the children's costumes and have lots of fun reading and exploring our favourite texts and stories.