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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

World Book Day

What a busy week in Cherry Class! 

We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday. The children loved dressing up as their favourite book characters and coming dressed up in their costumes. The children shared their costumes with the class and told everyone which book they were from. We read a range of stories, some children acting in role as their characters and others made their own books. 

We have begun a focus on traditional tales this week, linking to World Book Day. We have been retelling the story 'Little Red Riding Hood'. The children have been enjoying retelling the story in our 'Grandma's house' role play area. 

In Maths this week we have been learning about number bonds within and to 10. The children have been using concrete resources to make these number bonds and have also been writing number sentences or talking number sentences to go along with them. 

Our tadpoles have grown so much! The children continue to be fascinated by these. The children have been describing them and making scientific observations, drawing and describing what they can see changing. 


What a super week in Cherry Class! We can't wait for even more fun next week. Don't forget to wear something funny for Red Nose day on Friday 15th March.