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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Spring has sprung!

We have had a very busy week in Cherry Class! We have been learning all about spring time. We have explored signs of spring in our woodland area, written captions about spring photos and have used different materials to create spring flower/ blossom pictures. We have had discussions about seasonal changes and have compared spring to the other seasons which we have learnt about. We have been making petal potions and describing what we can see and smell. 

We have learnt about animals and their young, matched these and found out the names of some of them. 

We have been practising threading skills and developing our fine motor accuracy by making bracelets and necklaces for our friends. 

In Maths, we have continued to learn about addition. We have used concrete resources to solve addition problems. Some children have written their own addition number sentences. We have been using the phrase 'prove it to me' to encourage children to demonstrate how they found the answer.  

In our role play area we have had a hairdressers. The children have all enjoyed taking a trip to the hairdressers and acting in role. 

On Friday, the children wore Easter bonnets to school and we had an Easter bonnet parade during worship time. In RE we have been learning about the Easter story. We ended the week with the Easter fair after school. 

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