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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Welcome back!

We hope that everyone had an enjoyable and restful Easter break. We loved hearing about what everyone got up to during the holidays. The children shared their memories with the rest of the class and some children wrote or drew pictures about what they enjoyed doing. 

This week we have been learning about people who help us. We had fire fighters in to visit us, but unfortunately they were called out for an emergency! This was a shame but we look forward to them coming back in with their fire engine in a couple of weeks time. Cherry Class decided to create a fire station role play area. Lots of the children helped with the ideas and putting this together. They have enjoyed acting in role as fire fighters. 

Some children have been doing some fantastic writing of captions about fire fighters and others have been reading a range of non-fiction texts about people who help us to find out more. In the next 2 weeks we will be learning about lots more people who help us and their jobs. Please sign up to come in to talk to the children if you have a profession who helps us. 

In phonics we have moved onto phase 4. This includes all the sounds we have learnt up to this point, with new blends. We have been reading the words such as tent, help and chunk. We have also learnt the new tricky words: have, like, so, said. Can you spot any of these words in your reading or library books? Can you have a go at spelling these words at home?

In Maths we have continued our learning about addition. We have solved addition number sentences using concrete resources. Can you add amounts together within 10? 

In the woodland area we noticed lots of seasonal changes, including the lovely bluebells which have grown. We learnt about nests and how different birds use different resources to make their nests. The children worked in groups to make nests using natural resources. 

What a busy week back at school! I hope you have a restful and fun weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week. 

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