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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

A busy week of learning

Hazel Class has had a busy week of learning. In mathematics, we have been building on our place value knowledge and using this to add one- and two-digit numbers together. We used multi-link, number lines and 100 squares to help us complete the number sentences.

In writing we have been learning to add suffixes to words in order to make them plural. We have been using these suffix words to create sentences, whilst watching out for full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.

In our RE lesson we began learning our song to perform at the harvest worship. We have been learning the words and Makaton actions to ‘Harvest Samba’.

During our computing lessons we have been learning all about different types of technology, how they work and where we would see them, at school, at home, or in the wider community.