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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God


This week we have been very busy learning; revisiting things we already know and learning new things too!

In mathematics, we have been using our knowledge of tens and ones to support us with solving addition and subtraction problems. We have been using dienes and our tens and ones grids to help us solve number sentences with two 2-digit numbers. See if we can show you this at home!

In writing, we have been thinking about all the punctuation we know how to use. We have been using these core skills to edit and improve sentences all about space. We have also been learning how to use a possessive apostrophe. 

In PE we are working towards choreographing our own space-themed dance. We have been listening carefully to different pieces of music and thinking about the different beats we can hear, the pace of the music and the volume too. We have been using our bodies to act like rockets, stars and even astronauts.