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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Happy Easter

This week we have been busy bringing all our learning to an end. We finished our topic of 'We are Writers' by completing our stories and using our computing techniques to create front covers for our own books. We used our skills to format text and images and learnt how to store and save our work. 

We then moved our learning on by looking at a range of poetry books and talked about the different features you find in poems. We then created word banks all about spring, which we used to help us develop acrostic poems. We then spent some time on Friday reading our poems aloud to each other and talked about what we liked about each other's work.

We have all worked incredibly hard this term and are excited for next term when we begin our 'Deep Blue Sea' learning. We hope you all have a lovely Easter break.