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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Dance House

This week we have continued with our 'Deep Blue Sea' learning and have been thinking about some different core skills which we use in our writing. We have been identifying and using suffix words when we don't need to make any change to the root word. We have then been using these words in sentences and carefully thinking about the spelling of these words. We have also been learning about homophones. See if we can tell you what these are and name some examples!

On Wednesday, some children in our class went to Worthing Pavillion Theatre to perform a dance they had been learning in Dancehouse on a Thursday after school with Miss Adlam. The girls were all incredibly brave and did an amazing job. They were all given a well deserved medal. 

In Science, we are starting our learning about plants, flowers and trees. Whilst out and about, see if we can name and recognise any!