Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Nature Discovery
This week in The Orchard we have been ....
We have been looking at all different things in nature.
Monday was making stick cars, cutting the wood and drilling holes to create a Wonky Stick Car.
We all enjoyed cutting our own pieces to put together.
Along with some sounding out and blending in handwriting.
On Tuesday, we looked at different leaves and how they changed through Autumn.
On Wednesday, we explored more natural objects, looking at shell patterns and listening to the sea.
On Thursday, we talked about the countryside and the farmers' fields. We enjoyed the cornflour farm with the animals and made Lego tractors.
To finish our week on Friday with Pumpkin Phonics, writing our tricky words and new sounds on the pumpkin display.