Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Phonics Fun
This week in The Orchard we have been....
We have been using our phonics knowledge and applying it when making signs and labels for objects in the classroom. We have used phonetic sound cards to build up our sounds to make the words. We loved using post-it notes on everything.
Along with the post-it notes, we have still been enjoying the phonic pumpkins and exploring what is inside them too.
As we are finishing off our topic of The World Around Us, we have looked at Poppies. We have talked about why we wear a Poppy in November and have been making some ready for remembering.
We have also enjoyed the outside as much as possible with our obstacle course and woodland session.
We have been busy. We also managed to fit in a visitor from Brent Lodge.