Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
'Pupils delight in attending this school.'
We are very proud that our school vision and values shone through in our recent Ofsted inspection...
We are delighted that the many strengths of our school have been recognised in the report. At Nyewood, we never do things ‘for Ofsted’; we do things because they fit with our vision and values and we believe they are right for the children in our care, to help them flourish academically, socially and emotionally. Nevertheless, it is always pleasing to have our practice endorsed by external partners.
Of particular note in the report is the celebration of the children’s wonderful attitudes to all aspects of school life, particularly their curious and enthusiastic approach to their learning as well as their kindness to every member of our Nyewood Family.
We feel the first paragraph of the report truly captures the ethos of our school and we are proud that this was recognised:
‘Pupils delight in attending this school. They are proud of their community. Through the well-promoted school values, pupils promise to ‘share their smile’. Pupils and staff have warm relationships. One pupil remarked, ‘Teachers always look after us.’ Pupils show kindness to one another. They prize equality, knowing that everyone is valued in their school.’
Thank you to all members of our school community for your support in making our Nyewood Family so special.