Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
A Fabulous Spring Term!
This term has gone by in a whirlwind...
Although it is the shortest term of the school year, this term has been action packed full of fabulous learning. I am so proud of the amazing achievements of every member of our Nyewood Family.
We have enjoyed wonderful visitors to the school, including the Wonderdome, our author visit and also our super 'Secret Readers'. The children have made excellent progress in their learning and I have been particularly impressed with the excellent writing that is coming out across the whole school.
Over the last few weeks we have been learning about the special message of Easter as well as celebrating the end of term with our super Easter Fair, Easter egg hunt and Easter bonnet parade!
This week, during Holy Week, we have enjoyed coming together for our Easter Service (the children did a superb joib sharing the Easter story through readings, acting and song) and our learning culminated in our collective worship this morning. We thought about the special, and sometimes sad days, running up to our celebrations on Easter Sunday when we remember the joy of Jesus rising again.
At this special time of year, I wish you a happy Easter and a restful break. I look forward to seeing you all back in school on Tuesday 16 April 2024.