Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
A super half term!
It has been a half term full of amazing learning, super enrichment and great attitudes...
This half term I have been blown away by the quality of learning coming from every year group in the school. I have never given out so many headteacher awards for the way in which our children have shown our school values of independence, uniqueness, kindness and communication. I am so impressed by the way our children have shown our school promises in all they do.
The enrichment opportunities our Nyewood Family have taken part in this term have been really special, including some fabulous locality sports events, our Blue Reef visit, visits from local emergency services and a special visit from our 'International Team' friends at Bishop Luffa.
I wish everyone a happy and restful half term holiday and look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 3 June.