Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Woodland and Wonderful Work

This week we had our first session in the woodland area. We explored the woodland, searching for creatures, dug our way through bush tunnels and even discovered a fish in the pond! We look forward to exploring and trying new activities outside every Tuesday.
Also, on Tuesday we had our first trip down to the school library. We were very excited by how many books there were. We could find a book about anything we wanted. We shared some stories while we were there and brought some books back with us to our reading corner.
We started our phonics learning this week and have learnt the sounds 's,a,t and p'. We have practised recognising these sounds when written, making these sounds with our mouths correctly and writing these sounds as letters. We have really impressed Miss Holmes with our phonics this week and how quickly we are picking it up.