Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Happy Half Term

We have had such a busy half term of school and really impressed our teachers with how well we have settled in but we definitely deserve a rest now!
This week we had a visit from from Brent lodge. We learnt all about the work they do at the wild animal hospital. Alex spoke to us about the animals they look after, how they take care of them and where they keep them at the hospital. We learnt words like nocturnal, hoglet and spines. See if we can tell you what these mean?
Alex was very appreciative of all of the donations we brought to school!
The week got even more exciting on Thursday as Oscar's daddy brought in 6 dachshund puppies that their dog Penut has had. This definitely gave us all a smile on Thursday afternoon!
We hope you all have a great week off and we look forward to another exciting half term ahead in the lead up to Christmas.