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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Cherry Class Blog 2024-25

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  • In space

    Published 06/02/25, by Natalie Perkins

    This week in Cherry class we have been learning all about space. The children have been immersed in the learning and have loved finding out new and interesting facts by reading and listening to stories, exploring videos and images and through their play.

    They have been using role play to go on space adventures in the small world and in our role play area which has been a space station. The have been using appropriate vocabulary such as "comets and meteor showers". 

    The children have been writing within their play, creating space passports and making maps of space. 

    The children have been very creative this week- they have been using printing to print planets, stars and they have also used their cutting skills to create astronauts and space pictures. Lots of children made rockets out of junk modelling and explained how they made them. 

    In phonics this week we learnt the sounds "er and air". They have been reading longer words such as 'ladder, better, carrot' They have also learnt the tricky words 'pure, sure and all'

    In Maths we have been continuing to learn about subtraction. They have been interpreting and solving subtraction number sentences using concrete resources. 


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  • Chinese New Year

    Published 30/01/25, by Natalie Perkins

    In Cherry class this week we have been learning about how people around the world celebrate Chinese New Year.

    The children have tasted Chinese food- including spring rolls, noodles and prawn crackers. They described what they liked and didn't like about the food they tasted. They then cut out and stuck their favourite food onto a plate and used their phonics to write words and sentences about the food they enjoyed.

    We have been dancing like dragons in a Chinese New Year parade, with backing music in P.E and the children have learnt about vocabulary and cultural items such as lanterns and fans. They have made their own lanterns and have created dragons using lots of different resources. 

    In Maths we have been learning about subtraction. The children have been counting back, learning about 'one less' and subtracting by taking away. They have solved number sentences and worded problems using concrete resources. 

    In Phonics this week the children have learnt the sounds oi, ow, ear and ur. They have read and written words containing these sounds and are beginning to read sentences containing them. They have learnt the tricky words all, my, by. 

    This week the children went out into the woodland area to identify and count birds, linking to British bird watching week. 

    In RE we have begun learning about 'Noah's Ark'- The children have explored the story and used role play and stories to retell. 


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  • Happy New Year!

    Published 16/01/25, by Natalie Perkins

    What a wonderful 2 weeks back we have had in Cherry class! The children were very excited to talk about their Christmas experiences and the toys they got for Christmas. 

    We have been learning all about seasonal changes over the last two weeks. Thinking and exploring nature outside and the changes in the temperature and weather we see. We have also been exploring nature changes in our woodland area, thinking about plants and animals we are seeing when we go there. 

    We have been reading the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. The children had the surprise of a penguin arriving at school. They were very interested to find out more about Penguins and Antarctica. They have been labelling penguins, creating penguin fact books and writing about 'cold places'. 

    Our role play area has been a hot chocolate cafe. The children have loved acting in role in the cafe and writing order forms and paying with plastic money. 

    In Maths we have begun learning about addition. They have been solving addition problems using concrete resources and learning about the = and + symbols. 

    In phonics the children have learnt the sounds "ai, ee, high, oa, oo, oo, ar and or" over the last two weeks. Please remember to read with your child regularly and record this in their yellow reading records. 

    The children have been exploring winter through sensory tuff trays and have been creating using multiple resources. They have made winter wonderlands, using paints and chalks, penguins using printing and exploring gradient and shades. 

    The children have begun PE - please remember that they can wear their P.E kits on a Friday to school. 

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  • Christmas Fun!

    Published 12/12/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week in Cherry class we have been continuing to get ready for Christmas! 

    We had a visit from Santa and lots of the children went down to Santa's grotto to recieve a present. The children have been writing Christmas captions, lists and cards. They have enjoyed using role play in our Santa's workshop, wrapping and designing presents ready for delivering to children. 

    We have been reading a lot of Christmas themed stories including 'Christmasurus, Aliens love Panta Claus, The Christmas wish'. 

    In Maths we have been exploring measure and capacity. We have been making Reindeer food and juice. The children have been measuring out amounts and comparing them. They have been using the vocabulary 'full, empty, half, nearly full, nearly empty'. 

    We have been learning about how Christians celebrate Christmas. The children looked at images and described what they could see. The children talked about their own experiences of Christmas with their families. 

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  • Christmas has arrived in Cherry class

    Published 05/12/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week in Cherry class we started with 'Advent day'. The children learnt about what advent meant and why/ how Christians celebrate advent day. Each of the children drew their own advent pictures to be opened each day of December for our class advent calender. 

    The children took part in Knife and fork training, where Chartwells came in to teach them how to use a knife and fork safely. 

    We read the story 'the snowman' and the children then drew a picture of their own snowman in drawing club. The children have been labelling snowmen, explaining and writing instructions on how to build a snowman and writing lists for Santa for posting. 

    Our role-play area has been transformed into a Santa's workshop. The children have enjoyed acting in role as cheeky elves building toys, designing and wrapping toys.

    In Maths, children have been measuring, ordering and comparing sizes of objects and pictures. 

    In phonics, we have continued to consolidate the digraphs; ch, sh, th, ng, and nk. The children have been writing simple words and sentences containing the sounds they have learnt. 

    Cherry class have been very busy practising for their Christmas Nativity worship for the parents. Thank you for bringing in their costumes this week! We are very excited to show you!

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  • Letters to Santa

    Published 28/11/24, by Natalie Perkins

    We have had a super week in Cherry class this week! We began the week by reading the story 'Dear Santa'. The children then shared their own wishes for Christmas presents and what they would like to ask for. The children then wrote their letters to Santa and we then walked down to the post box to post them off! We can't wait to get a reply back to school. 

    The children have been beginning their Christmas nativity worship rehearsals. We have been reading and watching the story of the Nativity. The children have been using role play and small world characters to retell the story. They have been creating pictures and writing captions about the different characters in the nativity story. Keep your eyes peeled for any lines that your child brings home to learn for the performance. Please also bring in any costumes next week. 

    In Maths we have been learning about number bonds to and within 5. We have been exploring making numbers within 5 using different amounts. The children have enjoyed making 'Numicon sandwiches' and using the part whole model to find number bonds. 

    In phonics we have learnt the digraphs 'ch, sh, ng, nk, th' this week. Please continue to read with your child at least 3 times a week, as this really does help them consolidate their learning and help fluency. 

    The children have continued to enjoy the vets role play area, so we have kept this for this week. They have been acting in role and enjoying looking after the poorly animals. We look forward to making a Christmassy role play next week!!

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  • Owl Babies

    Published 21/11/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week in Cherry class we read the story 'Baby owls' and we had a little baby owl in the tree with a letter for us. We have been looking after the baby owl as it was scared because he missed his mum. The children have been making the owl nests and creating art work of owls.

    We have begun 'drawing club' this week. The children all drew a picture and setting for Baby owls. As this progresses, the children will begin to apply their phonics and maths to enhance their drawing club pictures. 

    In phonics the children have learnt the sounds qu, z and ch. They have been reading words containing these sounds. When two letters make one sound, we call this a digraph. The children have also learnt the tricky words "go, no, to". 

    In Maths we have been consolidating the children's knowledge of finding one more and one less than numbers within 10. They have been using concrete resources, number lines and drawings. 

    The children have been writing labels for owl parts (beaks, claws, feathers), they have been retelling the story of 'Baby owls' by writing words or phrases for pictures. 

    Our role play area this week has turned into a vets, linking to our recent visit from Brent Lodge animal hospital. The children have loved acting in role as vets, receptionist and pet owners. They have been caring for our sick animal teddies very well- giving them injections and wrapping bandages.

    Next week we will be walking to the post box to post our Christmas letters to Santa. Please don't forget to bring in a stamp! 

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  • Children in Need

    Published 15/11/24, by Natalie Perkins

    We began our week on Remembrance day. The children all made a poppy the week before. We added these to the whole school poppies outside the school office. The children took part in a minute silence. 

    Lots of the children were interested in the poppies and said they had seen them around at the weekend in town or at parades. The children described the poppies and applied their phonics to write simple words such as red, seeds, black and stem. 

    We had a fantastic trip to the woodland, we went bug hunting and created our own creatures out of clay and natural resources.

    In Maths this week the children have been ordering numbers within 10 and finding one more and one less than numbers within 10. 

    In phonics this week the children have learnt the sounds v,w,x,y. They have read simple 3 letter words containing these sounds such as - wax, vet and yum. They have also learnt the tricky words her, his, has, and. Please read with your child at least 3 times a week and record this is their reading record. Supporting your child with reading at home will help them to make good progress in their phonics and reading. 

    We finished our week by celebrating children in need day. The children wore yellow, spotty clothes. They cut out bears, made bears with yellow playdough and created Pudsey collages together. We have had a very fun day!

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  • Fireworks!

    Published 07/11/24, by Natalie Perkins

    We have had a wonderful week back in Cherry class. This week we have been settling back into the rules and routines of school. The children shared what they did over the half term holidays with their class and some children shared what they found on Autumn walks from over half term. 

    This week we have been learning about fireworks night. The children have been creating firework art by painting, printing and using chalks. Lots of the children linked what they learnt to their own experiences of seeing fireworks. Some of the children have been writing a list for a firework party and have been describing fireworks and writing simple words such as 'pop' and 'crash'. 

    We have also been learning about how Hindu's celebrate Diwali festival. The children have been looking at pictures, exploring traditional clothes, exploring rangoli patterns and looking at divas lamps. The children have been creating their own creations, including rangoli patterns.

    In phonics the children have been learning the digraphs ss, ll and ff. They have been sounding out and blending to read words such as bell, tell, puff and hiss. Our tricky words have been put, pull and full this week. 

    In Maths we have been learning about the numbers within 10. The children have been recognising, making and ordering the numbers. 

    Our role play has turned into a campsite this week. The children have enjoyed acting in role and going on camping trips. 

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  • The end of our first half term

    Published 25/10/24, by Natalie Perkins

    What a wonderful week we have had in Cherry class to finish our first half term together at school. The children have been busy learning all about Autumn and the seasonal changes. They are now expert Autumn leaf detectors! 

    This week we read the story 'Leaf Man'. The children created their own leaf people using natural resources. They then thought carefully and shared the names of their creations and where their leaf man would go, just like in the story. 

    We had a visit from Brent Lodge animal hospital. The children loved finding out about how they look after poorly wild animals in the hospital. Thank you so much for all of your donations to the hospital. They were very grateful. The children found out about hibernating animals, different woodland animals and species of owls. They were engaged and fascinated by the animal facts! The children have been drawing woodland animals all week long and labelling their pictures. 

    In Maths we have continued to learn about patterns. This week we have looked at 3-step repeating patterns and the children have enjoyed creating their own patterns in different ways, by drawing and using concrete resources. 

    In phonics we have been reviewing the sounds that we have already learnt and writing simple 3 letter words. The children are becoming more and more confident in their sound recognition and blending. 

    The children have been learning about the creation story. We have been reading the story from the bible and the children have been drawing pictures of the different days and what God created on those days. 

    Our week finished with a visit from 6 very cute and very cuddly PUPPIES!! Cherry class loved stroking and finding out about how to care for puppies. 

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  • Autumn is here!

    Published 18/10/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week we have learnt all about the changing seasons and Autumn. The children enjoyed going on Autumn spotting walks. In the woodland this week, the children took a check list and bag to spot and collect Autumn items, including pine cones, leaves and twigs. See if you can spot the signs of Autumn on a walk this weekend. 

    The children read the story 'It was a cold, dark night'. We retold the story and used role play to help us. The children then created story maps for the story, drawing the different dens the animals lived in. Some children labelled the animals, applying the phonics they have learnt. The book is all about a hedgehog hibernating, so we look forward to finding out more about hibernation from our visitor at Brent Lodge on Wednesday next week. If you have any donations for Brent lodge, please bring them to school. 

    In Maths we have been learning all about patterns. The children have been creating 2-step patterns during lessons and in provision. They have used a range of resources. Why not see if you can make an Autumn pattern at home this weekend. 

    In phonics the children have been learning the sounds h,b,f,l. They have been reading simple 3 letter words such as - log, bat, hop. Support them by reading their phonics book 5x a week. 

    We have created a school role play area, after some of the children were interested in playing 'schools' in the classroom. They have been making great teachers and students! They have been teaching each other phonics and reading stories to one another. 

    Brighton and Hove football coaches came in for a taster session on Thursday. The children loved it! If you are interested in the football club, speak to the school office. 

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  • Making Bread

    Published 10/10/24, by Natalie Perkins

    We have had such a busy and fun week in Cherry Class! We began the week by making bread after reading the traditional tale 'The Little Red Hen'. The children loved finding out about how to make bread. They poured in the ingredients, stirred them, kneaded the dough and let it prove. We then cooked the bread and the children took their delicious rolls home!

    We talked about the meaning behind the story- and how none of the Little red hen's friends helped her, so at the end she didn't share her bread. We talked about helping and sharing with our friends at school and our families at home. The children ordered the story and verbally retold it. They also ordered instructions on how to make bread and orally told these to a teacher. 

    The children have been working hard in phonics and during discovery. Some children have begun to apply their phonics to write CVC words, such as pat, pin, cat. Other's have been writing shopping lists and including some of the initial sounds they have learnt. The children have been encouraged to practise writing their names and sign their name on all their learning. This is something they could also practise at home too. 

    In phonics the children have learnt the sounds ck, e, u, r, . They are becoming much more confident at segmenting and blending simple CVC words. 

    In Maths we have been learning to find one more and one less than amounts within 5. The children have been recognising amounts of resources and learning to see small amounts by sight and not always have to count them up. We have been counting daily, to and within 20 and back. 

    The children loved their trip to the Woodland this week! They have been spotting the signs of Autumnal changes. 

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