Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Harvest Festival

This week in Cherry class we have been learning about the Harvest festival. The children have been singing Harvest and Autumn songs, ready to perform at our Harvest worship on Monday 14th October to parents/carers.
We have been reading lots of stories including, the little red hen, the squirrels who squabled and pumpkin soup. The children have enjoyed retelling the story of the little red hen through role play and small world tuff trays.
They have learnt about what Harvest means and the fruits and vegetables that the farmers have ready to pick at this time of year. The children have painted, washed and scooped out the seeds inside pumpkins. They have printed with vegetables and have used observational drawings of vegetables. Cherry class have particularly enjoyed the sensory and messy farm tuff trays, which have sparked imagination for play and sensory discussions.
Cherry class have enjoyed the addition of a farm shop role play area. They have been acting in role as the shop keepers and shoppers. They have been exploring the fruits, vegetables and breads and 'paying for the items'. Some children have created lists and used already made lists to check off what they need.
Some children have begun to apply the phonics they have learnt to label initial sounds, write lists and write CVC words.
In phonics we have now learnt the following sounds:
s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k
The children have been reading simple three letter words containing these sounds. Segmenting and blending the words to read them. They have been sorting items into which sound they begin with, listening carefully as they sound out the words. They have been practising the letter shapes by writing, tracing, drawing in sand/glitter.
In Maths the children have been securing their number knowledge in numbers 1-5, recognising, making and exploring different representations and resources. We have been ordering numbers in numeric and resource form. We have been finding one more than different numbers within 5. Next week we will be learning about finding one less than numbers within 5.
Cherry class enjoyed their trip to the woodland on Thursday with Mrs Sheppard and their weekly visit to the school library.
We have had a wonderful week in cherry class and we look forward to another super week next week! We look forward to welcoming the parents in for a 6 weeks in meeting on Wednesday next week.