Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Making Bread

We have had such a busy and fun week in Cherry Class! We began the week by making bread after reading the traditional tale 'The Little Red Hen'. The children loved finding out about how to make bread. They poured in the ingredients, stirred them, kneaded the dough and let it prove. We then cooked the bread and the children took their delicious rolls home!
We talked about the meaning behind the story- and how none of the Little red hen's friends helped her, so at the end she didn't share her bread. We talked about helping and sharing with our friends at school and our families at home. The children ordered the story and verbally retold it. They also ordered instructions on how to make bread and orally told these to a teacher.
The children have been working hard in phonics and during discovery. Some children have begun to apply their phonics to write CVC words, such as pat, pin, cat. Other's have been writing shopping lists and including some of the initial sounds they have learnt. The children have been encouraged to practise writing their names and sign their name on all their learning. This is something they could also practise at home too.
In phonics the children have learnt the sounds ck, e, u, r, . They are becoming much more confident at segmenting and blending simple CVC words.
In Maths we have been learning to find one more and one less than amounts within 5. The children have been recognising amounts of resources and learning to see small amounts by sight and not always have to count them up. We have been counting daily, to and within 20 and back.
The children loved their trip to the Woodland this week! They have been spotting the signs of Autumnal changes.
Thank you to all of the parents who came along to our 6 weeks in meeting. It was lovely to see such a great turn out. We enjoyed sharing information about your child's start at school and how you can best support your child.
Reminder: Monday 14th October 2.30pm EYFS Harvets worship in the hall. We look forward to seeing you all!
Have a lovely restful weekend and we can't wait for another super week at school next week.