Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Autumn is here!

This week we have learnt all about the changing seasons and Autumn. The children enjoyed going on Autumn spotting walks. In the woodland this week, the children took a check list and bag to spot and collect Autumn items, including pine cones, leaves and twigs. See if you can spot the signs of Autumn on a walk this weekend.
The children read the story 'It was a cold, dark night'. We retold the story and used role play to help us. The children then created story maps for the story, drawing the different dens the animals lived in. Some children labelled the animals, applying the phonics they have learnt. The book is all about a hedgehog hibernating, so we look forward to finding out more about hibernation from our visitor at Brent Lodge on Wednesday next week. If you have any donations for Brent lodge, please bring them to school.
In Maths we have been learning all about patterns. The children have been creating 2-step patterns during lessons and in provision. They have used a range of resources. Why not see if you can make an Autumn pattern at home this weekend.
In phonics the children have been learning the sounds h,b,f,l. They have been reading simple 3 letter words such as - log, bat, hop. Support them by reading their phonics book 5x a week.
We have created a school role play area, after some of the children were interested in playing 'schools' in the classroom. They have been making great teachers and students! They have been teaching each other phonics and reading stories to one another.
Brighton and Hove football coaches came in for a taster session on Thursday. The children loved it! If you are interested in the football club, speak to the school office.
Thank you to all of the parents who joined us for our EY harvest worship on Monday. The children loved performing their songs and sharing some of their Harvest art work.