Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

We have had a wonderful week back in Cherry class. This week we have been settling back into the rules and routines of school. The children shared what they did over the half term holidays with their class and some children shared what they found on Autumn walks from over half term.
This week we have been learning about fireworks night. The children have been creating firework art by painting, printing and using chalks. Lots of the children linked what they learnt to their own experiences of seeing fireworks. Some of the children have been writing a list for a firework party and have been describing fireworks and writing simple words such as 'pop' and 'crash'.
We have also been learning about how Hindu's celebrate Diwali festival. The children have been looking at pictures, exploring traditional clothes, exploring rangoli patterns and looking at divas lamps. The children have been creating their own creations, including rangoli patterns.
In phonics the children have been learning the digraphs ss, ll and ff. They have been sounding out and blending to read words such as bell, tell, puff and hiss. Our tricky words have been put, pull and full this week.
In Maths we have been learning about the numbers within 10. The children have been recognising, making and ordering the numbers.
Our role play has turned into a campsite this week. The children have enjoyed acting in role and going on camping trips.
What a super first week back! We look forward to seeing you again for another busy and fun week of school.