Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Children in Need

We began our week on Remembrance day. The children all made a poppy the week before. We added these to the whole school poppies outside the school office. The children took part in a minute silence.
Lots of the children were interested in the poppies and said they had seen them around at the weekend in town or at parades. The children described the poppies and applied their phonics to write simple words such as red, seeds, black and stem.
We had a fantastic trip to the woodland, we went bug hunting and created our own creatures out of clay and natural resources.
In Maths this week the children have been ordering numbers within 10 and finding one more and one less than numbers within 10.
In phonics this week the children have learnt the sounds v,w,x,y. They have read simple 3 letter words containing these sounds such as - wax, vet and yum. They have also learnt the tricky words her, his, has, and. Please read with your child at least 3 times a week and record this is their reading record. Supporting your child with reading at home will help them to make good progress in their phonics and reading.
We finished our week by celebrating children in need day. The children wore yellow, spotty clothes. They cut out bears, made bears with yellow playdough and created Pudsey collages together. We have had a very fun day!
We have begun learning our Nativity songs. Please see the letters sent home to find out which part your child is in the performance and if you need to provide a costume for them.