Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Owl Babies

This week in Cherry class we read the story 'Baby owls' and we had a little baby owl in the tree with a letter for us. We have been looking after the baby owl as it was scared because he missed his mum. The children have been making the owl nests and creating art work of owls.
We have begun 'drawing club' this week. The children all drew a picture and setting for Baby owls. As this progresses, the children will begin to apply their phonics and maths to enhance their drawing club pictures.
In phonics the children have learnt the sounds qu, z and ch. They have been reading words containing these sounds. When two letters make one sound, we call this a digraph. The children have also learnt the tricky words "go, no, to".
In Maths we have been consolidating the children's knowledge of finding one more and one less than numbers within 10. They have been using concrete resources, number lines and drawings.
The children have been writing labels for owl parts (beaks, claws, feathers), they have been retelling the story of 'Baby owls' by writing words or phrases for pictures.
Our role play area this week has turned into a vets, linking to our recent visit from Brent Lodge animal hospital. The children have loved acting in role as vets, receptionist and pet owners. They have been caring for our sick animal teddies very well- giving them injections and wrapping bandages.
Next week we will be walking to the post box to post our Christmas letters to Santa. Please don't forget to bring in a stamp!