Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Letters to Santa

We have had a super week in Cherry class this week! We began the week by reading the story 'Dear Santa'. The children then shared their own wishes for Christmas presents and what they would like to ask for. The children then wrote their letters to Santa and we then walked down to the post box to post them off! We can't wait to get a reply back to school.
The children have been beginning their Christmas nativity worship rehearsals. We have been reading and watching the story of the Nativity. The children have been using role play and small world characters to retell the story. They have been creating pictures and writing captions about the different characters in the nativity story. Keep your eyes peeled for any lines that your child brings home to learn for the performance. Please also bring in any costumes next week.
In Maths we have been learning about number bonds to and within 5. We have been exploring making numbers within 5 using different amounts. The children have enjoyed making 'Numicon sandwiches' and using the part whole model to find number bonds.
In phonics we have learnt the digraphs 'ch, sh, ng, nk, th' this week. Please continue to read with your child at least 3 times a week, as this really does help them consolidate their learning and help fluency.
The children have continued to enjoy the vets role play area, so we have kept this for this week. They have been acting in role and enjoying looking after the poorly animals. We look forward to making a Christmassy role play next week!!
Have a lovely weekend! We can't wait to start our Christmas fun in December, kick starting with advent day on Monday where we will be taking part in lots of Christmas provision!