Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Christmas has arrived in Cherry class

This week in Cherry class we started with 'Advent day'. The children learnt about what advent meant and why/ how Christians celebrate advent day. Each of the children drew their own advent pictures to be opened each day of December for our class advent calender.
The children took part in Knife and fork training, where Chartwells came in to teach them how to use a knife and fork safely.
We read the story 'the snowman' and the children then drew a picture of their own snowman in drawing club. The children have been labelling snowmen, explaining and writing instructions on how to build a snowman and writing lists for Santa for posting.
Our role-play area has been transformed into a Santa's workshop. The children have enjoyed acting in role as cheeky elves building toys, designing and wrapping toys.
In Maths, children have been measuring, ordering and comparing sizes of objects and pictures.
In phonics, we have continued to consolidate the digraphs; ch, sh, th, ng, and nk. The children have been writing simple words and sentences containing the sounds they have learnt.
Cherry class have been very busy practising for their Christmas Nativity worship for the parents. Thank you for bringing in their costumes this week! We are very excited to show you!