Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Christmas Fun!

This week in Cherry class we have been continuing to get ready for Christmas!
We had a visit from Santa and lots of the children went down to Santa's grotto to recieve a present. The children have been writing Christmas captions, lists and cards. They have enjoyed using role play in our Santa's workshop, wrapping and designing presents ready for delivering to children.
We have been reading a lot of Christmas themed stories including 'Christmasurus, Aliens love Panta Claus, The Christmas wish'.
In Maths we have been exploring measure and capacity. We have been making Reindeer food and juice. The children have been measuring out amounts and comparing them. They have been using the vocabulary 'full, empty, half, nearly full, nearly empty'.
We have been learning about how Christians celebrate Christmas. The children looked at images and described what they could see. The children talked about their own experiences of Christmas with their families.
Next week we are excited for more Christmas fun. We will have our Christmas Nativity performance, Christmas party and jumper day and lots of Christmas crafts!