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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Happy New Year!

What a wonderful 2 weeks back we have had in Cherry class! The children were very excited to talk about their Christmas experiences and the toys they got for Christmas. 

We have been learning all about seasonal changes over the last two weeks. Thinking and exploring nature outside and the changes in the temperature and weather we see. We have also been exploring nature changes in our woodland area, thinking about plants and animals we are seeing when we go there. 

We have been reading the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. The children had the surprise of a penguin arriving at school. They were very interested to find out more about Penguins and Antarctica. They have been labelling penguins, creating penguin fact books and writing about 'cold places'. 

Our role play area has been a hot chocolate cafe. The children have loved acting in role in the cafe and writing order forms and paying with plastic money. 

In Maths we have begun learning about addition. They have been solving addition problems using concrete resources and learning about the = and + symbols. 

In phonics the children have learnt the sounds "ai, ee, high, oa, oo, oo, ar and or" over the last two weeks. Please remember to read with your child regularly and record this in their yellow reading records. 

The children have been exploring winter through sensory tuff trays and have been creating using multiple resources. They have made winter wonderlands, using paints and chalks, penguins using printing and exploring gradient and shades. 

The children have begun PE - please remember that they can wear their P.E kits on a Friday to school. 

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