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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Hear ye! Hear ye!

Following last week's terrific take-off, we had a visit from the Bognor Regis town Mayor and the town crier this week!
Hawthorn Class were called in from break time with a loud bell and the town crier shouting "Break time has ended!". It was very loud for everyone to hear. Then, the Mayor and the town crier joined us in class to talk to us about their special and important jobs. We asked lots of questions about their interesting outfits, and we learnt lots about all the different things they do for the Bognor Regis town council. We loved having visitors in our class. 

In maths this week, we have started learning about money. We've looked at all the coins and notes we have. We have been learning the difference between pounds and pence and how we can write different coin values with £ and 'p'.