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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Out of this world!

This week, we started our new topic - out of this world! Our week started with a concerning email from Miss Wells, telling us of something strange that had happened at school. When we went to investigate, we found a spaceship had crash-landed right outside in our outdoor reading area! We read our new topic book, Q Pootle 5 and some other space-themed stories. We think an alien had crash-landed here at our school just like Q Pootle 5 and his spaceship broke.

We also had a visit from a new author, Christine Chambers this week. She read us her story 'Red Fox does what? Surely not!' and answered all of our questions about the book and how she created it. We were very lucky to take home our own bookmarks and colouring pages too. Thank you to those that donated £1 towards the cost of this visit. If you have not already donated your £1, please bring it to school whenever you can. This ensures that we can continue these visits in the future.

Hawthorn class PE days are now Wednesdays and Fridays until further notice.

Have a lovely weekend!