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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

We are writers!

This week, we have started our new topic - We are writers. We kicked off this topic with a special visit from an author called Hope Bullen. She read us her new story 'Sunshines and rainbows and all the inbetweens'. We really enjoyed listening to the story and finding out how Hope had become an author. We introduced our story for this topic too. It is called 'The Story Machine'. In the story, a boy named Elliott finds an old typewriter and he uses it to create stories. We had an old typewriter too and we each had a go at writing something with it. We also had lots of fun creating pictures with letters just like in the story.

In maths, we have been learning the fractions whole, half, quarter and three quarters of a shape. We did find that the pizza photos we were using to help us learn fractions made us very hungry though!

Just a quick reminder that we change phonics books every FRIDAY. We will change library books as often as we can, but sometimes our weeks can be very busy. Children are encouraged to swap their library books in the class reading corner during reading lessons as well.