Amazing learning
We continued our learning about the Great Fire of London this week in our art lessons. We have been looking at different shading techniques and used them to draw a Tudor house. We took a lot of time and care of our work.
We continued our learning about the Great Fire of London this week in our art lessons. We have been looking at different shading techniques and used them to draw a Tudor house. We took a lot of time and care of our work.
This week we have been learning more about the Great Fire of London. We have been looking at using commands and statements in our writing and how to punctuate them correctly,
In computing we used Paint to draw our own pictures of the fire. We enjoyed exploring all the paint features and made some amazing pieces of artwork. We also learnt how to save our work in the correct place and to check it before shutting the computer down.
In PE we are starting to learn a dance on the theme of fire. We are exploring different ways to move to the music and how to move to the expression of the music.
In maths we have been working on adding and subtracting. We had to think really hard as we were learning to exchange. This means changing a stick of ten for ten ones, or ten ones for a stick of ten. We made amazing progress over the week with our confidence to tackle harder calculations.
At 11 am on Monday, we joined the school to keep the minute's silence. We all stood quietly and respectfully.
In English, we have been looking at the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We retold and sequenced the story by drawing our own story maps. We also thought about the characteristics of the people in the story.
In Maths, we looked at 2d shapes. We have been making them with sticks and finding them in objects around the classroom. We learnt the names of shapes with 3 to 8 sides. Please ask us to tell them to you.
In DT, we have planned the puppet we want to make. We are looking forward to making them next week.
In PE, we practised chest and bounce passes using a large ball. Some of us found this difficult at first, but by the end of the lesson we were all more confident.
We might have only been in school for 4 days this week, but we fitted a lot in!
This week we have been writing facts about oak trees. We have been thinking about spelling our tricky words correctly as well improving our handwriting.
We had a fantastic time with the footballers. We practised our football skills through games. and we all came back muddy and happy. We were reminded that although it is good to win, it is also important to know how to lose without getting upset or cross.
In maths we have been looking at division through sharing. We drew circles and shared numbers fairly between them. Some of us found using counters made the calculation easier. Please let us show you what we have learnt.
In computing we have been looking at old technology and how it is different from what we use now. The class were amazed at how much a phone has changed, and we used to only use it for phone calls!
We have been talking about how we can make our brains grow, its with challenge. When we make a mistake and then we work out the correct answer, our brains grow. When we choose a question that we find a challenge to answer, our brains grow. When we have done something challenging, we put our name on the poster.
In maths we having been looking at multiplication. We have been counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s, some of us found this hard, so please can we practise this at home.
This week we have been talking about how learning something new can be scary at first, but with practise it gets easier. Mrs Macrae told us that when we make a mistake and we learn from it, it actually makes our brain grow!
In maths we were learning that adding can be done in any order but subtraction can not. We also found that by spotting our bonds of ten when adding three numbers, made the calculation much easier. We played these games in school and thought you might like to try it at home.
In writing we practised writing our tricky words, making sure we formed our letters correctly at the same time. The lists of words we need to be able to spell are attached at the bottom of this blog.
We had fun doing PE outside with the hoops. We were learning to skip with them and then had a go at hula-hooping. It was amazing to see the progress within just one lesson.
In Geography we looked at weather symbols and then watched a weather forecast to see them being used.
We finished reading our latest class story book Esio Trot by Roald Dahl. We were surprised at the ending.
This week we started our new topic by reading The Oak Tree by Julia Donaldson. Click the link below to hear the story.
We read the book a few times and thought about questions we wanted to find out the answers to.
In maths we have been thinking about our number bonds. We have been revising adding number to make numbers up to ten, then extending to 20 and 100.
We have been using these games to practise these skills, it would be great if you could practise these at home.
We had a fantastic day at the Wetlands, despite the odd shower. We saw loads of birds but weren't lucky enough to see a kingfisher. We were quiet enough to go in the hides and spotted cows as well as ducks! Lunch was an important part of the day, especially as we all felt hungry after all our walking.
We also got to meet Ava and she set us tasks to do around the site. We hope you all manage to use your free vouchers to visit there so the children can show you all they discovered.
This week we finished our work with The Suitcase. We rewrote the story showing our phonics skills, and trying to make sure our writing stayed on the line. We also have been checking that our letters are formed correctly.
In Maths we finished our work on place value. We practised spelling the number names and finished the week with word problems and spotting the mistakes made.
We enjoyed playing the following game. You could try it at home.
In Geography, we learnt the names of the four countries that make up Britain and their capital cities. We then found out the names of the seas and ocean that surround us.
We finished the week with some free choice time as we had completed all our work. We chose to work together to build an extremely long model, that went round the classroom, out the door, round the tree and back to the classroom!
In writing this week we have been practising our core skills. We learnt what a contraction was and practised using it. Ask us if we can show you one in a sentence.
In maths we have been learning how to use the greater and less than signs (< >). We were explaining our answers using the language of tens and ones. We used crocodile pictures to help us and know that crocodiles eat big numbers.
In art we have continued with painting, looking at how we vary the textures and consistency of the paint. We mixed colours and drew patterns within the paint before it dried.
In PE we got out the mats and benches. We found different ways to balance using various parts of our body. We even challenged ourselves by trying balancing on the upturned benches!
We are loving our story times and have finished The Hodgeheg and have now started The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark.