Generation Wild
This week we started our new topic by reading The Oak Tree by Julia Donaldson. Click the link below to hear the story.
We read the book a few times and thought about questions we wanted to find out the answers to.
In maths we have been thinking about our number bonds. We have been revising adding number to make numbers up to ten, then extending to 20 and 100.
We have been using these games to practise these skills, it would be great if you could practise these at home.
We had a fantastic day at the Wetlands, despite the odd shower. We saw loads of birds but weren't lucky enough to see a kingfisher. We were quiet enough to go in the hides and spotted cows as well as ducks! Lunch was an important part of the day, especially as we all felt hungry after all our walking.
We also got to meet Ava and she set us tasks to do around the site. We hope you all manage to use your free vouchers to visit there so the children can show you all they discovered.