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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

999, What's your emergency?

This week we have been busy learning about the Police and the things they use to complete their work safely.

We talked about how the police help us in our community and labelled the different parts of their uniform. We had great fun role playing being police officers and writing incident forms.

In Maths, we have been learning about subtraction and taking away small amounts from each other. Then we had to use our 1 to 1 counting and find out how many were left over. 

In PSED, we learnt about the NSPCC and how they help to keep children safe. We liked watching how 'Buddy the Speech Bubble' helped a little girl to 'Speak out and stay safe'. 

In PE, we finished learning our dance to a familiar song and enjoyed moving as a class in time to the music and performing all the moves together.

Have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs Lawlor, Mrs Castleton and Mrs Kujawa