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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Welcome back!

The Spring term is here!

Welcome back!  I hope you all had a great Christmas with your family and friends.

This week, we have been focusing on our behaviours around the school.  Everything from how to line up and how to walk around the school, to how we behave at lunchtime, how we play in a kind and supportive way and how we show the adults in our school that we are listening.


Please ensure that all children are suitably dressed for the weather that we are experiencing.  ALL children should have a named coat with them - as we will always TRY to go outside at playtime (even if it is a little bit wet), as we know that the children benefit from having some fresh air.

Also, a named water bottle, filled with fresh water each day.  We can re-fill them in school if they run out, but some children are not having a water bottle every day.