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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Spring Term Week 3

Spring term is really moving!

As usual, a busy week for us all here in Apple Class!  We have been learning and recapping our addition and subtraction skills in mathematics, forming and correcting sentences in writing and showing what we already know and remember about living things and habitats in science.

A few reminders...

Water bottles – daily please!  Even in this cold weather, children still need a water bottle each day.

Please send children with labelled coats, hats, gloves, every day.  We are still going outside as much as possible and it is rather chilly sometimes.

Various items of uniform are still coming in without names inside.  It is really helpful to everyone if items are named.  If you happen to be missing a jumper, there are a couple left in the jumper box in the classroom.

Reading morning next week is Wednesday – NOT Tuesday.