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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

One more week until half term...

Puppet making next week!

Another busy week for Apple Class this week, as we head in to the final week of this half-term.  We have been problem-solving using our knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s in mathematics, writing a newspaper report about the moon landing in writing, learning about what keep plants, animals and humans alive in science and designing puppets in Design & Technology.

For our puppets, a sticker was sent home earlier in the week asking for donations of things that we could use to make our puppets.  The most common design seems to be a sock puppet - therefore, if you have any odd socks (please wash them first) that you could spare, that would be fantastic.  Any off cuts of materials, damaged shirts or T-shirts, cotton wool, small pieces of wool.... anything along those lines would be really handy.  We could even resort to making stick puppets - in which case some empty cereal boxes might come in very useful too.

Thank you everyone!  Have a great weekend!