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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Summer Term

Blue Reef Aquarium Visit

Welcome back to the Summer Term!  We hope everyone had the best possible Easter break they could.  We have a busy four-day week this week.  We have been reading and acting out "The Storm Whale" in our writing lessons for the start of our new topic "Deep Blue Sea".  We have been looking at statistics in mathematics lessons and learning about ascension in RE.  On top of that, we had our trip to the Blue Reef Aquarium.

A massive "thank you" to the parents that came along with us to the aquarium.  We hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did.  We will be using the information and experiences gathered from that trip in our writing during the "Deep Blue Sea" topic.

As you are most probably aware, the weather is a little unpredictable.  Please ensure the children are sent in prepared for all weathers.