Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Week 2...

In Apple Class this week...
We have had another busy week with all the learning that we have been doing! We have been learning about lifecycles in Science, 2D shapes in Mathematics, designing our puppets in DT and using the NSPCC guidance to learn how to keep ourselves safe.
Next week, on Friday, is a non-uniform day in exchange for donations for us to create Christmas Hampers for the Christmas Fair.
We are beginning to plan our Christmas worship. Each class will be singing a song - our song can be found on the link below - maybe the children would like to practise it at home?
There are still children not having a water bottle each day in school. It is important, especially on PE days, that children have a water bottle. We cannot take open cups of water into the hall and the children need to stay hydrated.