Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
It is coming...
What's been happening in Apple Class this week?
Another busy week for Apple Class this week. We have been learning about 3D shapes in mathematics, adjectives and punctuation in writing and how we can be good friends to each other in RSHE.
We have also spent time this week making our sock puppet animals, which we will be sharing with the Early Years children from our Nyewood family next week and managed to brave the elements and spend an afternoon in the woodland area, exploring and cutting wood ready to make our own Ch****mas decorations.
Next Friday afternoon we are going to be decorating our classroom (and indeed the school) ready for the festive period. So, if you have an old decorations that you no longer need (for example, a piece of tinsel, or a hanging decoration), we would love to be able to put them up in Apple Class!