Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Advent is upon us...

This week in Apple Class...
As usual, a busy week here in Apple Class. We have been practising our gymnastics in PE, continuing our learning about time in Mathematics, planning our own version of Little Red Riding Hood in Writing and using objects around the classroom for printing in Art.
If any of our class grown-ups would like to be a secret storyteller on a Monday afternoon during the spring term, please keep an eye out for the sign-up sheet that will go up in the classroom window shortly.
A few reminders:
Our Christmas Fair is on Thursday 12th Dec. Please pop along and have some fun, while helping to raise some funds for our children!
The Christmas Worship is on Wednesday 18th Dec at St Wilfrid's Church; please see separate information that has been sent out about that.
Our class song for the worship is attached - just in case any of the children want to rehearse at home.