Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Happy New Year!

This week in Apple Class...
We have been learning about the Great Fire of London in our writing lessons, adding and subtracting tens and ones in mathematics, thinking about seasonal changes in science and using laptops to search for information as well as edit and save images in computing.
A few reminders...
There are still some children not coming in with a water bottle of fresh water each day. There is a need for children to stay hydrated, even in the winter months. Please ensure that your child has a water bottle (ideally named!) each day.
With the weather being as cold as it is at the moment, please ensure your child has, at the very least, a named coat each day. If children are wearing gloves, hats, scarves or ear muffs, it would be advisable to have those named too.
In the next couple of weeks, we have the Rainbow Theatre coming in to help us really immerse ourselves in learning about the Great Fire of London. If you haven't paid your contribution, please see the messages on MCAS as soon as possible.
On Friday 24th January, we are having a movie night at school. The format will be very similar to the story night that we had earlier in December, where children can choose what they would like to watch, and we will be providing popcorn, sweets and squash. Again, please see MCAS if you haven't booked your child a place.
Finally... here is a link to a video that we will be using in PE over the next few weeks to create a dance. Some of the children have said that they would like to be able to see this from home to give them a few ideas on dance moves.