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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Sycamore Class Blog 2023-24

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  • Thank you

    Published 19/07/24, by Clare Burgess
    How is it every nearly the end of the year? How have we made it here already? I am so proud of every child in the Sycamore family. They have been so kind to each other, caring and thoughtful. I love their amazing learning and have been amazed by
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  • The day the crayons quit

    Published 12/07/24, by Clare Burgess
    The children have loved the book the day 'The crayons quit'. They have also enjoyed the follow-up book 'The day the crayons came home'. The children loved the idea of writing letters and moaning! They have loved writing thei
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  • Traditional Jewish Dance

    Published 05/07/24, by Clare Burgess
    This term are RE learning is about about Judaism and their culture. The children have loved listening to traditional music for Judaism and this week we learnt about a traditional Jewish a dance! The children were great at counting the steps and talki
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  • Beebots

    Published 28/06/24, by Clare Burgess
    The children loved giving instructions to the Beebots. They were able to move them around the furniture in the classroom and around people! If their plans didn't work they were very good at working out how to amend them and change
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  • Money

    Published 21/06/24, by Clare Burgess
    This week the class have been working hard to get ready for the Art Exhibition at the Summer Fair tomorrow. The children amazed me with their clay skills and their ability to make sea creatures out of the clay. Once dried, they picked bright colours
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  • Beach Trip

    Published 14/06/24, by Clare Burgess
    What an amazing day. The children were fantastic and listened to all the adults. We spent 2 hours exploring the beach, looking in rockpools, making our own rockpools, making sandcastles and digging! The children were so well behaved and even members
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  • Our World

    Published 24/05/24, by Clare Burgess
    The children have loved learning about our world, where we live, discussing different parts of the United Kingdom. They have found out about the capital cities in the United Kingdom and where Bognor Regis is in relation to England as a whole.
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  • Good deeds

    Published 17/05/24, by Clare Burgess
    Today in RE we learnt about good deeds that Jewish people do. We talked about the importance of good deeds and how we can show our families good deeds. Children acted out putting dishes in the dishwasher, tidying their bedrooms and making their beds.
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  • Letter Formation

    Published 10/05/24, by Clare Burgess
    This week in writing we have been focusing on our handwriting. We have discussed where letters start, where they sit on the line and the size compared to other letters. This has been amazing to see as so many children were able to form all or most of
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  • Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

    Published 03/05/24, by Clare Burgess
    This week we have been learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children have been noticing the patterns in these numbers, such as a number needs to end in a 5 or 10 when counting in 5s. The children have used mathematical equipment and socks to help
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  • Exploring

    Published 26/04/24, by Clare Burgess
    It's been another great week of learning in the Sycamore family. The class loved going outside and exploring the school grounds for our science learning. We looked at all the different leaves, plants and trees (there are more than we thought!). W
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  • Best day ever!

    Published 19/04/24, by Clare Burgess
    What an amazing day! The children absolutely loved the trip to the Blue Reef. Their behaviour was incredible, they listened to the talk so well and were able to answer questions about habitats and adaptations. They walked around the aquarium ver
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