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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

World Book Day

The children loved dressing up for World Book Day. They were able to talk about their character and the personalities of them. Some children bought in the book that their character was in and shared this in their reading time. We spent time talking about stories we enjoy reading and why and looked at our new author focus for our classroom and it's Martin Waddell. The children used their character and wrote a story about it. Such a busy but a wonderful day.

In maths, we have been learning about position and direction and using words such as between, next to, over, under to explain where someone is. We also learnt our left and right!

In writing, we have been reading The Story Machine and this week the children choose to change one part of the story and then planned it using pictures and sentences, ready to write the story next week.

In Science, we have been learning about our body parts, ones we can see and ones inside of us. We also talked about what our inside body parts do, for example, our lungs.