Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
EYFS 10 Weeks In
On Thursday 24 November 2022 we held our EYFS '10 Weeks In' meeting. In this section you will find our '10 Weeks In' documents discussed as part of the workshop. There are also some additional resources that may support you with learning at home.
Numeral Cards 0-20
Please feel free to cut these up and use them creatively. Here are some ideas of how to use them beyond basic ordering and reading:
Game 1 – Treasure Hunt
Hold up one number at a time. Can your child go and find that amount of objects and match them to each card? e.g. 3 Paw Patrol Characters, 6 teaspoons, 20 raisins etc. Extend to combining two sets e.g. if we count the raisins and teaspoons, how many objects do we have altogether? If I eat one raisin, how many are left?
Game 2 – Pairs
Using the cards provided, place all card face down. Players take it in turns to turn over two cards (one numeral card and one picture card). If the number and quantity match, the player keeps the pair. Extend by using only one set of cards to match number bonds i.e. two number cards that add up to 10 or 20.
Game 3 – Let’s Subitise!
Find small objects such as Blind Bag toys or Lego people that you can count. Grab a small handful (up to 5) and ask your child to visualise/tell you how many there are without actually counting them. Count together to check. This can also be done easily with fruit. How many slices of apple do you think you have? How many segments do you think there are in this orange? Can they match them to the correct number card? Does your child know that if you have 5 objects and arrange them in different patterns, the answer will still be five?
Game 4 – Go Shop!
Use the number cards as price tags and attach to toys or household objects. Can they count out the correct number of coins from the 1p jar to pay with?
Finally …Throughout the year, don’t forget to complete the ‘Parent Proud Clouds’ included in this pack. Tell us about your child’s achievements at home such as swimming lessons, sleeping through the night, trying new foods, tying their shoes laces for the first time etc. Give the cloud to your child’s class teacher to put in the learning journal as we value all those wonderful things that are going on at home too!
We hope you find these ideas useful!
Kind Regards
The Early Years Team